Data migration products • D1P
With the data migration service, we help you migrate your existing products, so you can get started and start profiting right away.
Content of this service
1. We arrange a meeting with you. At the first appointment, we discuss your products list with you and check its feasibility. We will show you the most important instructions for a successful product migration.
Appointment duration: max. 1 hour (customer and product specialist together)
Support: AnyDesk / telephone
2. Based on this information, you can process your product list independently and prepare it for migration.
Duration: depends on the product list and your involvement
Support: you do it yourself
3. We book a second appointment and work with you to import up to 500 products. Once the import has been successfully completed, you'll be able to carry out further imports on your own.
Appointment duration: max. 1h
Support: AnyDesk / telephone
1. allowed files:
2. the file must have a heading/title in the first line.
3. mandatory information:
product name
4. Other information that can be imported:
For sale:
- Product name
- Product description
- Product code
- Selling price
- Currency
- Unit
- Product account
- VAT Sales tax
- Contact person (e-mail address bexio login)
Only for products with stock:
- Stock level
- Minimum stock
Supplier details:
- Supplier
- Product name Supplier
- Product description Supplier
- Product code Supplier
- Purchase price
- Expense account
- VAT Input tax
- Remarks
Internal bexio information:
- Group
- Storage location
- Storage location
- Width (mm)
- Height (mm)
- Weight (g)
- Volume (ml)
5. Information that cannot be imported:
- tiered prices
6. Information where there is something to consider:
- Supplier -> must first be entered under "Contacts".
7. Information that can be entered in parameters before import:
- Group
- Foreign currency
- Unit
- Storage location
- Storage location
- Income and expense account
- VAT Sales tax and input tax
We are here for you. Contact us via e-mail [email protected] or phone +41 (0)71 552 00 62