Business quote template

Download our business quote template in PDF-, Word, or Excel formats.

Are you looking for a template that you can use to send out business quotes? You can download our business quote template for free as PDF, Word, or Excel files.

It’s even easier and faster to do with bexio: Our software made in Switzerland allows you to generate commercial quotes simply and quickly. Customers can then accept your proposal online in just one click - Learn more.

Download our business quote template

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Generate business quotes online

Create business quotes online more quickly and easily with bexio.

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Business quote example as PDF

Download our example business quote in PDF format.

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Business quote template for Word

Download example business quotes in Word format and fill it out manually.

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Business quote template for Excel

Download example business quotes in Excel format and fill it out manually.

Fill in the business quote template correctly

  1. Download Word or Excel templates.
  2. Enter a unique business quote number.
  3. Enter an business quote date.
  4. Enter the name and address of the service provider.
  5. Enter the name and address of the client.
  6. Optional: Enter additional text with more information/cover letter.
  7. Specify detailed prices, costs, and quantities for the delivery/service.
  8. Enter the applicable tax rate (e.g., incl. 8% VAT).
  9. Enter information on discounts and rebates.
  10. Optional: Free text field for signature and/or additional information.
  11. Enter your company data, contact information, and payment information (name of the bank, IBAN) in the footer.

Additional templates and examples

Invoice template

Save time and easily create invoices with our invoice template.

Timesheet template

Download our timesheet for Excel to easily track your work hours.

Vorlage Spesenabrechnung

Eine Vorlage, um Spesen effizient und professionell abzurechnen.

Vorlage Einzahlungsschein

Einzahlungsschein-Vorlage (orange oder rot) zum Download.

Should you use special software instead of Word or Excel templates?

Dedicated software can be really useful if you regularly prepare business quotes. Why waste valuable time with templates when there is an easier way? If you use invoicing software such as bexio, you can generate business quotes in just a few clicks!

TaskWith a templateWith bexio
Unique business quote number

Manually (which is prone to errors)


Enter address dataManually (which is prone to errors)Automated import
Enter product SKUsManually (which is prone to errors)Automated import
Calculate the amount and VATManually (which is prone to errors)Automatically
SendingManually: as a PDF attachment by e-mail or mailDirectly in bexio: By e-mail or mail (SMAILD add-on)
Accept business quoteManually: The customer has to spend a lot of time accepting or rejecting the business quote by emailIn just one click: Recipients can view your business quotes online and accept them directly
Create the order and/or invoice from the business quoteManually: Transfer/adapt the dataAutomated: In just one click

Prepare quotes in just a few clicks thanks to professional templates

Test all the features of bexio, the simple business software for your SME administration.

Any more questions? Give us a call: +41 71 552 00 61
You’d rather write? [email protected]

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